Cost Estimates

Yard Leveling Cost | Cost to Regrade Yard

Yard leveling cost is roughly $110 to $190 per hour for a 3-person crew (manual leveling). Cost to regrade yard is roughly $1,500 to $2,000 per day for a 1-person crew and a machine with operator (machine grading).

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The costs on this page represent a combination of 1) sample of costs provided to us by lawn contractors around the country and 2) research done by our staff. To get a more precise estimate, we recommend that you request a quote from a local yard leveling contractor near you.

Home > Yard Leveling Cost > Updated May 6, 2022 at 12:15pm

Yard Leveling Cost (Manual)

Yard leveling cost is roughly $110 to $190 per hour for a 3-person crew (manual leveling). This presumes that the leveling can be done by hand with soil fill and handheld tools.

Yard leveling cost based on the number of hours required (3-person crew):

Cost to Regrade Yard (Machine)

Cost to regrade yard is roughly $1,500 to $2,000 per day for a 1-person crew and a machine with operator (machine grading). This is for larger yard drainage projects where a machine is required. These prices include a 1-person crew and a small skid steer/track loader with an operator.

Cost to regrade yard based on the number of days required (including machine and operator):

Yard Leveling Cost

Yard Leveling Cost Considerations

There are many things to consider when you are planning your yard regrading project. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Methods Used to Prepare Yard Leveling Cost Estimates

Since every yard leveling project will be different, it is likely that a time and materials approach will be used to determine the estimate. The contractor will estimate the number of hours required and multiply that by their hourly rate. In addition, the contractor will estimate the amount of material (sod, dirt, gravel) that might be required to do the work. The sum of hourly rates and the materials rates equal the total cost. If you are interested finding out how much it will cost to regrade yard in your area, request a price quote.

Reasons for Lawn Grading Price Variances

Lawn grading contractors use a combination of methods to evaluate and price projects. They take several factors into consideration that impact the cost of the project, including:

Questions to Ask Your Lawn Leveling Contractor

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